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时间: 2014-07-04    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:998   

作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网

刘川里索尼爱立信大中华区首席技术官Charlie LIU Chief Technology Officer, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication (China)


2003年加入索尼爱立信以来,曾先后担任首席技术官办公室高级技术顾问及北美地区研究中心主任等职,专注于与移动通讯有关的前瞻性尖端技术的研究与发展。刘川里拥有近40项国 际专利。2009年出任索尼爱立信大中华区首席技术官一职,带领其团队致力于中国本土市场各项前沿技术的开拓。刘川里先后在美国伊利诺伊大学获得物理学、电气工程与计算机双硕士,并在美国北卡太学商学院完成了高级管理者培训。

With over 20 years of US working experience in the field of communications, multimedia, internet and control systems etc., Charlie Liu has gained extensive technical knowledge, wealth of leadership and management skills in various industry leading companies such as General Motors, Texas Instruments, Ericsson and Sony Ericsson.
Since joining Sony Ericsson in 2003, Charlie Liu has taken various technical and management positions, such as Senior Technical Staff in CTO office and the Head of Sony Ericsson Research Center in North America and focused on not only research of leading technologies but also global technology strategy for Sony Ericsson. He is holding over 30 international patents covering wireless communication, multimedia and mobile devices. In 2009, Charlie was appointed as the Head of Research & Technology, CTO China. He is leading his team to promote technology innovation for a great success in China.
Charlie Liu holds a MS degree in Physics and a MS degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from University of Illinois. He has also finished advanced leadership and management training from Kenan -Flagler
Business School at University of North Carolina.

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