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Promoting international and regional cooperation

时间: 2015-02-14    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:1015   

作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网 来源:互联网

 The ChinaSoft that has been held for nine times successfully has attracted more than 30,000 representatives of such foreign companies or multinational enterprises as Microsoft, IBM, INTEL, SUN, CISCO, ADOBE, Symbio, LISA, UBM, compTIA, NEA, Siemens, SoftBank, WIPRO, NIIT, PARASOFT, Japan-China Economic Association, MIJS, T-Engine, Hitachi, Toshiba, Okinawa, Japan, Fujitsu, Fuji Electric, McKinsey, Ubisoft, Sumsung, HiSoft and ConPhone International and the representatives of domestic famous software enterprises such as Huawei, ZTE, Dawning, Sina, Sohu, Alibaba, Neusoft, Kingsoft, Tencent, SNDA, Ufida, Kingdee and Zero2IPO playing an important role in promoting the international and regional exchange and cooperation of the software and information service industry in Chengdu in the global trend of industrial transfer and high-tech development.
 The Chinasoft2012 will continue to cooperate with overseas governments and association institutions to plan for Sino-foreign cooperation matchmaking conferences on different fields in difficult regions; make overseas advanced technologies and products to meet the huge domestic market demands and actively attract industrial agglomeration and undertake the global industrial transfer.

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