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Main contents of the Chinasoft2012

时间: 2014-08-06    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:461   

作者 编辑:中国厨房设备网 来源:互联网

The concern of related state ministries and commissions about the construction of "Renowned Software City in China"
 In December 2012, Chengdu was awarded the title of "Renowned Software City in China" by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MIIT) officially, which confirmed the development achievement of Chengdu City in software and information technology service industry. On Chinasoft2012, leaders from MIIT will be present at the award ceremony for Chengdu City to be "Renowned Software City in China".
 In the future, with the high-level attention for national ministries and commissions and great support from provincial and municipal governments, Chengdu will keep speeding up and strengthening the development of its software and information service industry and enhancing the influence of Tianfu Software both at home and abroad.
Abundant contents and expected remarkable achievements
 It is predicated that on the Chinasoft2012, twelve international professional conferences and industrial activities will be held and some characteristic activities like talent exchange, fund matchmaking, achievement trading, project negotiation and signing and industrial visits and investigations will be held for related enterprises on the industrial chain. It is estimated that on the Chinasoft2012, there will be more than 3,000 attendees; 100 top management of some national and international famous IT enterprises will give keynote speeches and special discussion.
 Main contents of the Chinasoft2012:
 2012 Integration of Informationization and Industrialization & Intelligent City Development Forum
 The 5th (2012) Sino-Japan Software and Service Outsourcing Conference
 China Cloud Computing Industry Development Forum 2012
 Internet Industry Development Forum 2012
 Sino-Europe Software Enterprises Cooperation Conference 2012
 National Software Industry Association Working Conference 2012 of China Software Industry Association
 Work Negotiation Conference of Chengdu City on Construction of Renowned Software City in China

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