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The Chinasoft2012 will pay close attention

时间: 2014-08-13    编辑: 厨联网络     点击数:551   
Following the sophisticated technologies closely and promoting the process of informatization
 The Chinasoft2012 will pay close attention to the sophisticated IT technologies and their industrial applications and attach importance to the actual effects in industrial influence, technical advancement, industrial promotion, etc. On the Chinasoft2012, various special forums will be held to discuss about sophisticated technologies deeply and share the successful experience in technical cooperation, transfer, operation and management, thus vigorously promoting the informatization construction in fields like Wireless City, 3G, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things and industrial informatization, enhancing the level of the software industry in Chengdu or even West China and speeding up the undertaking of the global industrial transfer and optimization.
 The Chinasoft2012 will also focus on the cooperation in the industrial chain. Specifically, it will take innovative and high technologies as media to promote the integration and cooperation of the technologies and markets of upstream and downstream industries, strengthen the connection of regional industrial economies and establish clusters of enterprises on the industrial chain that have proprietary intellectual property rights and great core competitiveness.

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